The arrival of spring brings warmer weather, blossoming trees, and blooming flowers, and for many, sneezing, runny noses, and itchy eyes. Just as us humans experience seasonal allergies, so can dogs! The good news is if you notice your pup experiencing allergy symptoms there are steps you can take to help him get back to his normal self.
Is My Dog Experiencing Allergy Symptoms?
With the weather warming up, you and your dog are probably spending more time outside, which means exposure to pollen in the air, trees, weeds, and more. While pollen and environmental allergies may lead to sneezing and runny noses for humans, the symptoms present a little bit differently in dogs.
The most common seasonal allergy symptom in dogs is itching, so if you have been noticing Fido spending more time than normal scratching himself, he may be suffering from environmental allergies. Some other seasonal symptoms include:
- Excessive licking or chewing of the paws, face, ears, and/or areas of skin
- Rubbing his face on the ground or with his paws
- Inflamed ears or recurring ear infections
- Irritated or infected patches of skin
- Frequent sneezing or asthma-like wheezing (less common)
If you think your dog is experiencing allergy symptoms, it is best to take him to the vet so they can rule out any other possible causes, including allergies to food and even fleas.
Treatments for Seasonal Allergies in Dogs
In the case that your pup does have seasonal allergies, there are some medications and home care steps you can take to soothe his symptoms and help him feel good as new.
- Antihistamines are oftentimes prescribed by veterinarians to alleviate common seasonal symptoms.
- Medicated shampoos and ointments can help soothe any skin irritation your dog may be experiencing and heal any damaged areas.
- Immunotherapy, or allergy shots, may be recommended by your vet if your dog’s symptoms are more severe, longer lasting, or problematic to his well being.
- Your vet may also give you some home care tips to help keep symptoms at bay, such as wiping your dog’s paws after he has been outside or soaking his fur with an aloe solution.
- Just remember, don’t give your dog any medication that has not been prescribed by your veterinarian.
Don’t let seasonal environmental allergies ruin you and your best friend’s spring and summer fun. Get out and enjoy the outdoors!